Website owner: Juliette Rutherford.
Domain name: is a domain name registered to the website owner.

About the website owner:
Legal status: Sole trader based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Tax status: UK tax payer, with UK tax reference no. 7316959553.
VAT status: Exempt from VAT in accordance with the UK Value Added Tax Act 1994, Schedule 1, Section 3.2. and Directive 2006/112/EC of the Council of the European Union, Articles 281-292.

Website translations:
French: Françoise Gaudron
Spanish: Marián de la Fuente Valdés
Chinese: 李年菊 (Nianju Li)

Copyright: All of the data on this site is the exclusive property of the website owner. Any reproduction, representation or distribution of the content, in whole or in part, is expressly forbidden without the owner’s prior consent.

Data privacy:
The only data collected through this website is the data voluntarily submitted through the contact form. This website does not use cookies.

The data is collected by the website owner, Juliette Rutherford, solely for the purposes of processing requests for information. It will not be shared with any third parties.

The data will only be stored for the time it takes to process your request. Any sample files sent will be deleted once the request has been processed.

If at any time you wish to request the immediate withdrawal of any information submitted, please contact Juliette Rutherford on